CIMPA 6th General Assembly in Delft

The 6th General Assembly of CIMPA, hosted by TNO in Delft, was held on 29-30 May 2024

The 6th General Assembly of CIMPA, hosted by TNO, took place on 29-30 May 2024 in Delft, the Netherlands. 

With only 6 months left before the end of the project, the project partners presented key results and discussed next steps to maximize the impact of CIMPA.

The sucessful final sorting results, combining NIR and Digitalwatermarking, were presented, as well as the progress done with the project demostrators. Partners could also discuss the new rules under the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation and the next steps on dissemination and exploitation. The LCA/LCC results were also presented to partners for final comments. 

One of the recycling routes in CIMPA is the physical recycling (dissolution) of multilayers. On 29 May, partners had the opportunity to visit the TRL5 scale-up and demonstration of the developed dissolution process for recovery of polyolefins, located at TNO Rijswijk. More about the physical recycling tecnology developed in CIMPA here