6th General Assembly of the CIMPA project hosted by TNO in Delft

CIMPA 6th General Assembly in Delft The 6th General Assembly of CIMPA, hosted by TNO in Delft, was held on 29-30 May 2024 The 6th General Assembly of CIMPA, hosted by TNO, took place on 29-30 May 2024 in Delft, the Netherlands.  With only 6 months left before the end of the project, the project […]

Innovation Forum 4 Plastics Highlights EU Innovations for Plastics Circularity

Innovation Forum 4 Plastics highlights EU innovations for plastics circularity The 2024 edition of the “Innovation Forum 4 Plastics” was held in Brussels on 19 April, and showcased different innovative solutions of EU-funded projects aiming at reducing plastic waste and boosting plastic recycling and circularity. Hosted by EuRIC on behalf of the CIMPA project, supported […]

Innovation Forum 4 Plastics 19 April 2024

Innovation Forum 4 Plastics 2024 Bringing together innovative solutions for the circular economy   Innovation Forum 4 Plastics aims to showcase the innovative solutions of EU-funded projects to boost plastic recycling and circularity, reduce plastic pollution and thus, contributing to the EU Plastics Strategy,  the EU Circular Economy Action Plan and related regulatory frameworks. The 2024 […]

5th General Assembly of the CIMPA project in France

CIMPA 5th General Assembly in France The 5th General Assembly of CIMPA was held on 16-18 October hosted by Leygatech and Barbier in France The 5th General Assembly of CIMPA, hosted by Leygatech and Barbier, took place on 16,17 and 18 October 2023. This time, CIMPA partners travelled to the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region of south-central France, to meet and […]

CIMPA teams up with 6 other EU-funded projects on plastics circularity

CIMPA teams-up with 6 other EU-funded projects on plastics circularity! Under the “Circular Plastics Cluster” umbrella, seven EU-funded projects are joining forces to promote the innovative solutions being developed to boost plastics recycling and circularity. The Circular Plastics Cluster aims to boost the collection, sorting, cleaning, reuse, recycling, and manufacturing of plastic products, including complex […]

Webinar: Innovative sorting for plastic packaging waste

Webinar: innovative sorting for plastic packaging waste CIMPA & CIRCULAR FoodPack organize an online event on tracer-based  and digital watermarking sorting   Would you like to find out how to sort plastic packaging in order to make it part of the circular economy? Then join our webinar “Innovative sorting for plastic packaging waste: Tracer-Based-Sorting and digital […]

CIMPA presents its achievements at several European events

CIMPA presents its achievements at several European events Promoting CIMPA project and explaining its objectives and results are key components of this H2020 project. With one year to go before the end of the project, the consortium partners are more mobilised than ever to showcase their innovative solutions and progress at multiple exhibitions, conferences and […]

CIMPA French Citizen Lab in Lyon and Aix-en-Provence March 2023

CIMPA French Citizen Lab Our first French Citizen Lab  will take place in Lyon on 28 March 2023, followed by the Citizen Lab in Aix-En-Provence on 30 March. What can you expect? The purpose of this event is to hear YOUR voice, and understand public awareness, concerns when it comes to purchasing, disposing, and recycling of multi-layered plastic packaging. […]

CIMPA is well on track! Interim Review meeting in Pertuis

CIMPA is well on track! Partners meet in Pertuis, at the premises of Pellenc ST, for the interim review meeting of CIMPA. The first interim review meeting brough together the 13 CIMPA partners to assess the progress of the project. The review took place on 25 January in Pertuis (France), hosted by Pellenc ST, where lively […]


Webinar: boosting plastics recycling CIMPA & PRIMUS organize an online event on the new rules for packaging and packaging waste and food contact materials.   CIMPA joins forces with PRIMUS, an Horizon Europe project, to inform about the new European regulations having impacts on the packaging and plastics recycling sectors.   Mathilde Taveau, regulatory advisor at Plastics […]