
Here you can find regular updates about progress and outcomes, interviews as well as news about CIMPA partner’s activities and initiatives related to plastic recycling
CIMPA Project concludes with findings on multilayer plastic film recycling
On 20 November, the EU-funded H2020 CIMPA project concluded its 3.5-year journey with a final event showcasing its innovative solutions for recycling multilayer plastic films from packaging and agricultural applications.
The 6th General Assembly took place on 29-30 May 2024 in Delft. It brought together the 13 CIMPA partners to discuss the progress of the project.
CIMPA’s first results, achievements and remaining challenges… these are some of the topics discussed during this General Assembly to define future actions for the final phase of the project.
The CIMPA project shows that digital watermarking is an effective technology for advanced sorting of Multilayer flexible packaging. The CurvCode digital watermark, together with NIR detection, enables sorting based on criteria like ‘material structure’ and ‘usage’ (food versus non-food).
CIMPA partner FILIGRADE writes on a new perspective through the use of watermarks on different packaging.
The 5th General Assembly took place on 16,17 and 18 October 2023. It brought together the 13 CIMPA partners to discuss the progress of the project.
CIMPA’s first results, achievements and remaining challenges… these are some of the topics discussed during this General Assembly to define future actions for the final phase of the project.
The European Commission is setting new rules for packaging and to achieve the new targets and boost packaging circularity, innovation remains a crucial aspect.
The European Commission is setting new rules for packaging and to achieve the new targets and boost packaging circularity, innovation remains a crucial aspect. In a policy brief, the CIMPA partners have analyzed and shared their views on the EC’s proposal for a regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste.
VTT in CIMPA: Development of adaptive in-line rheology control and material upgrading for mechanically and physically recycled multi-layer plastics.
VTT works on several objectives of the CIMPA goal of value retention of end-of-life multilayer films with a particular focus on tuning of the properties of multi-layer recyclates using a novel pilot recycling line (VAREX) with in-line adaptive rheology control and additivation.
Promoting CIMPA project and explaining its objectives and results are key components of this H2020 project. With one year to go before the end of the project, the consortium partners are more mobilised than ever to showcase their innovative solutions and progress at multiple exhibitions, conferences and workshops.
TNO in CIMPA: physical recycling technology development, impact assessment and food contact compliance.
TNO in CIMPA: physical recycling technology development, impact assessment and food contact compliance. TNO works on 3 different aspects of the CIMPA goal of value retention of end-of-life multilayer films. These aspects together tie in together to create a better picture of the feasibility of the CIMPA solutions.
The first interim review meeting brough together the 13 CIMPA partners to assess the progress of the project. The review took place on 25 January in Pertuis (France), hosted by Pellenc ST
CIMPA’s main results, achievements, challenges, next steps…these are some of the topics we discussed yesterday during the interim review meeting, hosted by Pellenc ST, in Pertuis (France).
Join this workshop to learn about the drivers for the circularity of multilayer plastic films and discover the innovative solutions that are being developed to create a circular economy in which plastic packaging never becomes waste.
Join this workshop to learn about the drivers for the circularity of multilayer plastic films and discover the innovative solutions that are being developed to create a circular economy in which plastic packaging never becomes waste.
Post-consumer multilayer (ML) films need to be recovered separately from conventional PE or PP outlets in material recovery facilities. Sorting is then a key step to make the recycling of post-consumer packaging films sustainable and provide a valuable stream to recyclers. Both material recognition with NIR and Watermark detection will be used to tackle this challenge.
CIMPA partners finally came together for the first face-to-face technical meeting at IPC in Oyonnax (France).
On 10 and 11 March, partners had the opportunity to present and discuss the technologies developed within CIMPA project, physical recycling, decontamination process and LCA scope.
The first work package of CIMPA project named “Systemic transition to the circularity of multi-layer films” aims at defining the right path for multilayer films to become recyclable. To do so, our work is to establish the requirements, through the value chain, that a multilayer film needs to have to be recyclable and recycled.
Recent international events where CIMPA project has been presented
Promoting CIMPA project and explaining its objectives and results are key components of this H2020 project. CIMPA partners have begun 2022 participating in different workshops and fairs.
Recent international events where CIMPA project has been presented
Since the begginning of the project, CIMPA partners have been introducing CIMPA project, its objectives and expected impacts at relevants events and fairs such as pollutec in France and ecomondo in Italy.
Meet CIMPA’s project coordinator, Céline Chevallier, that from the IPC – Centre Technique Industriel de la Plasturgie et des Composites – in France, manages the multicultural and multidisciplinary consortium of CIMPA.
Céline talks about the present and future of this project and her role as project coordinator.